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ShortPath is an R package for determining the shortest path on a graph from a source vertex using two algorithms: the Bellman-Ford algorithm and the Dijkstra algorithm.

In particular, this package can be used to determine the shortest path on a graph within the unit square, whose starting vertex has coordinates (0,0) and whose ending vertex has coordinates (1,1).

An example of the application of these algorithms is seam carving. This is an image resizing algorithm developed by Shai AVIDAN and Ariel SHAMIR, which resizes the image by removing so-called low-energy pixel paths. The package includes several functions.

See the full description by clicking the link above.

Chaïma Boughanmi
Chaïma Boughanmi
Data Scientist @ BVA Xsight | R shiny developer
Organizer @ R-Ladies Paris
Paris France

In the realm of data and programming, I am the creator of endless possibilities.